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Thursday, 4 June 2015

The Environmentalist religious dogma that humans are destroying the earth has spawned many scams.  Its most ambitious project, veritably a Superscam has been the claim that the climate is controlled by human emissions of so-called greenhouse gases.  These cause global warming which will ultimately destroy us unless we cease using fossil fuels.

The  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up  in 1988 in order to supply scientific evidence to support this scam.

It was realised from the start that the task was impossible.

The earth does not have a temperature and there is no way that a scientifically acceptable average temperature can currently be derived. It is not possible to know whether the earth is warming or cooling.

Then, the climate is constantly changing. No part is ever in equilibrium. The trace gases in the atmosphere are not well mixed and their concentrations change constantly in every place. It is not possible to derive an average concentration for any of them.

The genuine science of the study of the climate, built up over many centuries as the discipline of meteorology, has officially established weather forecasting services in most countries.

These services now measure many climate properties with a variety of instruments, including satellites. The measurements are used in the most up to date computer models based on currently accepted physics, thermodynamics and statistics, adjusted for local conditions. They provide the only scientifically valid daily forecasts of future weather for every part of the earth. Atmospheric carbon dioxide  has not proved to be useful  and they do not even bother to measure it. 

It is simply not possible to overcome these difficulties with honest science, It has therefore been necessary to employ fraud, dishonesty, distortion fabrication, massive public relations, and enormous sums of money in order to claim that they have solved them.

Jim Hansen of the Goddard Institute of Space Studies, New York, provided a pseudo global temperature technique that has proved useful to the scammers. He admits that there is no such thing as an absolute Surface Air Temperature (SAT) which he calls  elusive.

Meteorologists know it is impossible to measure a plausible average surface air temperature. Instead they record the daily maximum and minimum in a protected screen at their weather stations. Today they often also measure at different intervals as well. These are a useful guide to temperature conditions and are plotted in their weather maps.

Hansen and Lebedeff 1987 ignored what Hansen had said was impossible. They assigned a constant temperature to each weather station for a whole month and assumed that this temperature applies also to a radius of 1200 km around each weather station.

The chosen temperature was the total average maximum and minimum temperatures measured at that station for a each month, the sum of the statistically unacceptable maximum/minimum averages.

They considered that could correlate each station figure with the next weather station. But their correlation coefficient was only 0.5 or lower. By subtracting the average from stations in all latitude/longitude boxes from the average in each box they got an annual global temperature anomaly record. There is no mention of the very large inaccuracy figures that should accompany this exercise, or of the varying number and quality of the global weather stations, both currently and over time.

The IPCC has used the supposed trend of a measly few decimals of a degree of this concoction to provethat global warming is happening and will inevitably rise dangerously.

Now it has broken down. This trend has hardly changed for 18 years while greenhouse gases have supposedly increased. The IPCC has resorted to desperate measures. Instead of annual warming we now have to worry about decadal warming. Efforts are escalated to fudge the figures and publicise a slight rise of  hundredths of a degree as evidence of permanent warming.

The required treatment of atmospheric carbon dioxide was made by Charles Keeling of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla California. The grossly oversimplified climate models demand that atmospheric carbon dioxide is globally constant, only increasing from more human emissions.

This was a problem because there exist some 40,000 previous measurements going back to the early 19th century, published in famous peer reviewed journals, sometimes by Nobel Prize-winners. These measurements showed that surface concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are never constant and vary from one place to another, time of day, season, and wind direction.

Keeling suppressed this early information. He gave the excuse that he had a slightly different measurement method and he had discovered that there was a background concentration which was almost constant and increased steadily with increased emissions.

Keeling based his figures on sites at the Mauna Loa volcano on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, and a site in Antarctica. In order to come close to a globally constant value it was required that most other measurements were made from coastal sites on winds from the ocean where any figures that did not comply with the supposed background are rejected as noise.

A difficulty was that the steadily increasing figures over the years did not easily agree with the rather sporadic behaviour of the approved global temperature record.

Now, this carbon dioxide scam has broken down. The NASA satellite AIRS system now provides frequent global maps of carbon dioxide concentration showing that it is not well mixed, is highly variable, and tends to be higher in regions of high emissions. The officially sponsored background is no longer relevant. The fact that the supposed warming effect of carbon dioxide is logarithmic with concentration means that increases have little effect in high concentration areas and are most effective over forests and pastures where they are beneficial.

The IPCC climate models defy all of the accumulated knowledge of climate science currently practised by meteorologists and replace it with a system of absurdities which has been amazingly successful.

Instead of the ever changing climate we know, it is now assumed to be static.

All heat exchanges are by radiation. Admittedly the input and output are radiation but everything else in the climate combines all methods of heat exchange, predominantly conduction, convection and latent heat change.

The sun is assumed to shine all day and night with equal intensity. The earth is flat and dead where living creatures are impossible except they emit greenhouse gases.

All the past climate effects known to meteorology are parameterized and assumed to be constant.

There is no hope that such a model could possibly forecast future climate and the IPCC  even admits this. They say the models provide projections, never predictions. At the beginning they avoided being proved wrong by projecting only so far ahead that they could be sure nobody living would survive to check. 

The IPCC has now been running for 25 years and the early reports had to  show that the models fitted their temperature record. Now it doesn’t. Also the models could be used to calculate present upper troposphere temperatures, and that does not work either.

They are therefore in deep trouble. All they can do is prevent people from telling the truth. Every news bulletin, every newspaper must have a daily reference to global warming or carbon footprint or endure protests from climate activists who must all write letters to the press and organise rent-a-crowd gatherings of environmental devotees to picket any discussion venues. There must be constant lectures by those most financially dependent on the scam.

With luck the downfall of Valhalla will take place at the Paris Climate meeting in December where the attempts to impose a global climate dictatorship will either fail miserably or fizzle slowly.

What a relief!


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