I've been keeping an eye on the Supreme Court case of Michigan v. EPA . This case consisted of several states contesting EPA regulatory ...
The People vs. The United States?
You have probably heard by now a court in the Netherlands found the Dutch government liable for not protecting its citizens from climate ch...
What's Warming the World?
Here is an excellent set of graphics from Bloomberg showing the effects of various factors on the climate. It shows many of the factors tha...
Mixed News on Energy Front
A new study predicts investments in renewable energy sources will climb to $8 trillion by 2040. This, they say, will be about twice the amo...
The Death of Thousands Highlights John Coleman's Lie
One of the submissions to the Global Warming Skeptic Challenge was John Coleman's Youtube video, "How It Started." This is on...
Fox News Hypocrisy on Pope Francis Displayed
When the Vatican released Pope Francis' encyclical on climate change it was headline news on nearly every single news outlet in the worl...
Anti-Science Ailes Demoted at Fox News
When I was in the Navy, I once overheard someone giving some words of wisdom to a brand-new ensign: "Be careful of who you offend becau...
Hottest May Ever
The National Climatic Data Center released its State of the Climate report for May this morning: The combined average temperature over glob...
Laudato Si - Pope Francis' Encyclical on Climate Change
The pope's encyclical has been released. You can read the entire document here . It is a long letter, so you might want to read a synops...
Heartland is Desperate and People are Noticing
The Heartland Institute is possibly the biggest science rejecting organization involved with the climate change debate. They are the ones mo...
Odds of Record Warming
I previously posted about a NOAA statement that said "nine of the ten warmest 12-month periods have occurred within the past two year...
New England Breaks Heat Records
With all of the heavy snow the Northeast saw this winter, there were all sorts of pundits mocking global warming and climate change. This re...
Guest Submission: Reduction in UK GHG Emissions
2015 Shows a Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the UK A step closer towards the Kyoto Protocol By 2020, the United Kingdom needs to ...
Republicans vs. Pope Francis
The Republicans and their fossil fuel allies have already shown they fear the encyclical Pope Francis is preparing to release on climate cha...
Guest Submission: Is Obama Knowledgeable About Climate Change?
Hello Chuck, and to whom it may concern, at the Duluth News Tribune, RE: A free AND responsible press; Here is a link to FactCheck.org's...
Climate Change Deniers Validate 'No Hiatus' Paper
The term 'hiatus' is something I really dislike because it has been seized by climate change deniers who reject science as 'proo...
New Analysis Does Not Support a Warming “Hiatus”
The “Hiatus” . Annual results for the global average temperature show a break from an earlier high rate of increase, beginning about 1998....
The Global Warming Scam and the Climate Change Superscam
Introduction Chapter I :The Climate. Chapter 2: The Environmental Religion and Science. Chapter 3: Environmental Scams . Chapter 4: The IPCC...
The Environmentalist religious dogma that humans are destroying the earth has spawned many scams. Its most ambitious project, veritably a ...
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[Updated May 7, 2015] Encyclicals. Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, will soon issue a papal encyclical on global wa...
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