About Tom Harris's opinions in our local newspapers
RE: The value of knowledge
This is meant to inform you about the credibility of Tom Harris, a man-made global warming denier whose comment appeared in today's Duluth News Tribune. Here is a link to a reputable website which documents the ideas and credibility of known AGW deniers like Tom Harris:
Tom Harris does not have a degree in climate science but rather, a Masters of Engineering (thermofluids). Yet, he has accepted funding from climate denial organizations which work to aid the credibility of deniers in order to publicly rationalize the policies of large energy companies. Mr. Harris is also closely affiliated with The Heartland Institute—a conservative organization known for funding and supporting AGW deniers. And as he mentioned, he is the executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition, which is yet another notorious man-made global warming denial organization dedicated to discrediting the work of tens of thousands of truly qualified scientists who understand that the current climate change crisis is real, and is caused primarily by human activities. Harris has also, to date, not published a single peer-reviewed paper in any reputable scientific journal.
As far as the (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change) which Harris mentions, this also, is a group dedicated to funding AGW deniers and which works towards discrediting the findings of 97% of today's peer reviewed climate scientists. The name is a variation on the name of the iconic Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or, the IPCC. However, since the IPCC's message is the direct opposite of the message disseminated by the NIPCC, and prestigious climate science organization all over the world refer to its findings, this very similar name may have been chosen with the intent of fooling laymen who are not as familiar with the climate analysis of the IPCC, as many scientists are. Here is a link to inform you about the NIPCC:
In general Harris's contention that reducing CO2 emissions will not help make the world safer, or even help at all, is absurd;
It's true that we may reach a tipping point after which the planet will perpetuate its worsening climate, but to suggest that reducing greenhouse gas emissions will not help reduce the occurrence of extreme weather events, or help in any way, frankly makes no sense at all. If we have a fever, we know that taking aspirin may help. If we have to lose weight, we know exercise will help. And if we want to become successful in any field of work, we know that education will help us immensely. We also know that, if man-made greenhouse gasses are heavily produced by man, and if they are causing the planet to warm, (as they are), then reducing their amounts in the atmosphere will invariably help!
And as far as the billion spent on climate “finance” which Mr. Harris's letter to the tribune claims—even if that figure is accurate, we still need to recognize the untold billions that will be needed to clean up and recover from the devastation wrought by extreme weather events that are caused by AGW, as large losses of human lives which has already become manifest as one of the most tragic costs of such extreme weather events! We also need to honestly ask ourselves if maintaining a livable future for our children and theirs, isn't really more desirable than the ever increasing and devastating consequences of our own inaction?
The press sorely needs to become aware of the backgrounds and motivations of many supposed climate science “experts,” in order to become edified about what is really at stake. It's my sincere hope that soon, newspapers and journals everywhere, will print the ideas of AGW deniers, but in close proximity to, and including, direct scientific rebuttals of the many specific misconceptions and lies being spread by deniers.
Sincerely, Pete W. Johnson
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