© 2015 Vincent Gray
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted without permission of the author
Previous books
The Global Warming Delusion: A Critique of Climate Change 2001
Confessions of a Climate Sceptic
Parts of this book have appeared on the following websites
New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
Australian Climate Sceptics
Watts Up With That
Principia Scientific International
Dedicated to the memory of Augie Auer, Ernst Georg Beck, John Daly, Zbigniew Jaworowski, Bob Kay, Owen McShane and Peter Toynbee; who did not live to be told that they were right.
Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad. This ancient saying is attributed to Euripides.
Western Nations are sinking in a sea of debt, yet they are obsessed with the belief that our civilisation is being destroyed by our own actions, and the chief culprit is our need for energy. Yet by preventing the use of fossil fuels or nuclear power we are hastening our own departure. They are even destroying the environment they pretend to preserve as they force us to clear reserve lands to grow crops to feed us when our traditional cropland is failing with uneconomic methods and its use for biofuel.
I have been involved with trying to understand this mad delusion for over twenty years. At first I was trapped by the authority of those publicizing the Global Warming theory. It was only by slow degrees that I became convinced that one aspect of its claims after another was without scientific foundation. I reached my current assessment that everything about it is a scam, a fraud, and a conspiracy, which violates every possible principal of physics, mathematics, elementary logic and ordinary honesty.
I was never a professional meteorologist. I ran a weather station on the roof of my school in Hammersmith, London, between the years of 1937 and 1939. I accepted, at the time that the science of Meteorology, which represented the collected wisdom of over 200 years, was the only reliable scientific study of the climate. This scientific study has improved out of all proportion since then, and now we get the latest knowledge of the entire world climate on our weather report every day. An alternative theory based on a postulate that changes in the climate are exclusively caused by human emissions of greenhouse gaseshas penetrated the entire academic science community worldwide. Why has genuine climate science been abandoned by so many people?
Some of the supporters of this false alternative have found scientific employment from it; some have been attracted by the money, travel experiences and promotion, even a Nobel Prize. These reasons are easy to understand. What is difficult to understand is how so many can believe that their activity is beneficial to the Planet and even to human progress? It is a belief that is similar to a religion, yet many religions, at least in their early stages, play a part in improving human welfare. This antihuman belief is hastening the road to disaster.
When I first developed an opposition to this aberrant pseudo scientific religion I was almost a lone voice, both within my community and in the world outside. Now there are many groups of people who have realised the absurdity of the Global Warming theory. Indeed, since the approved technique of assessing such warming shows that it has not been happening for the past 18 years, they promote Climate Change, instead.
The public is waking up to the harmful economic consequences. We may be termed Sceptics, but the Warmers call us Deniers, an example of the deliberately confusing use of words, with which they specialize. Nobody denies that the climate is changing. Indeed it is the Warmers who insist that without the evil influence of humans the climate is static and unchanging. Once the evil human influences are removed by a form of World Government, they believe that the climate will go back to a version of paradise.
In 2002 I published The Greenhouse Delusion: a Critique of Climate Change 20011 a thorough analysis of the 2001 IPCC Report. There have now been two more IPCC Reports, 2007 and 2013. It is now evident that the promoters of the greenhouse theory are not just deluded. In order to promote their delusion that the Planet is being destroyed by humans they have resorted to every form of deception, dishonesty, distortion and downright fraud to impose policies for which there is no scientific evidence. This book gives details on how this has been done.
My published autobiography Confessions of a Climate Sceptic2 describes of my origins, upbringing, education and scientific career but since I am continually subject to disbelief, insult and refusal to be taken seriously, I feel I should summarise them here. I am 93 years old and expect this book to be my final word. I have a First Class Honours degree in Physics, Chemistry, Crystallography and Mathematics and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from Cambridge University UK. I have had a long scientific research career in the UK, France, Canada, New Zealand and China with well over 100 peer reviewed scientific papers on a variety of subjects which included climate. I am a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. I have been an expert reviewer on all of the Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and I am the author of 128 Greenhouse Bulletins and 340 NZClimate Truth Newsletters, most of which have appeared on the Internet.
There are now over 1350 peer reviewed scientific papers which dispute this false theory. 31,487 American scientists have signed a petition opposing it of whom 9,029 have PhDs4.
This book is a detailed scientific analysis of this widely promoted pseudoscience of the climate. It shows how every part of this theory and its claims has resulted from fraudulent manipulation of science and by dishonest use of every form of propaganda.
I am a firm supporter of Climate Science as embodied in the current activities of meteorologists concerned with weather forecasting, and I accept that greenhouse gases, predominantly water vapour, warm the climate.
But I am a sceptic of everything said or done by climate pseudoscience. I am a denierof their right to exercise control over my life and activities and those of all humans from their unproven conclusions.
I have never been tempted to start a website as I relish the freedom to think and publish when I wish instead of being bound with the continuous task which running a website involves. I was once invited to join the blog of one of my friends and I resisted it. I have learned a lot from other people’s websites and blogs and have frequently contributed either articles or comments.
Matthews5 has recently made a limited (154) survey of climate sceptics who support the The Air Vent website and he has shown that they tend to be highly educated and can be divided into several categories. Only very few are prepared to regard the global warming theory as a fraud or a scam.
The US Senate6 has recently voted 98 to 1 that Climate Change is real and not a hoax
The term Climate Change has now acquired a dishonest double meaning. That it is caused by human emissions. Perhaps some Senators voted only for the first obvious meaning.
The word Hoax also has double meanings. They include:
- a humorous or malicious deception7
- a deception,esp a practical joke 86
- a deception, intended to trick or mislead.9
Now, I do not think that Climate Change is humorous, and it is rather more serious than a mere practical joke. Phil Jones wrote of Hide the Decline (see Chapter 9) as a “trick, but surely the climate change scam is much more than just a trick, it is a fraud and a scam, even a superscam.
Charles Mackay in his Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds10 (1841) listed The Mississippi Scheme, The South Sea Bubble, Tulipomania, Alchemy Witch Mania. Climate Change should join his list. Alchemy also depended on distorted science, the belief that base metals can be turned in to gold. Another delusion was spiritualism based on the belief that it is possible to contact spirits of the dead. Both of these were taken up by scientists of the day.
Many scientists still believe in an assortment of religions quite apart from those committed to, or paid, to support the environmentalist religion. Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, former Chair of the IPCC believes in reincarnation. Our entertainment industry is riddled with irrationality and primitive fantasy. Scientists always cause disaster and provide constant scares about our health. We have zombies, aliens, vampires, Cyborgs, mutants, robots, ghosts, poltergeists and hobbits. Instead of news, we have a diet of murderers, accidents and the false conflict of organised sport.
Can science recover? Climate science prospers regardless in the weather forecasting services, although Incursions of climate change delusionists almost destroyed the UK Met Office when so many warm winters turned out so cold. The service has to cope with the influence of climate change zealots on long-range forecasting..
Large areas of science are controlled by Government bureaucrats who require scientific justification for almost any government policy. President Nixon believed that the problem of cancer can be solved merely by offering generous grants. It produced a great deal of pseudoscience and plagiarism but progress is happening.
Medical science proceeds regardless, as can be proved by the increased age of most populations. Technical development of genetics has resisted attempts to kill it and the use of modern methods of producing oil, has saved the fortunes of the US when it can still claim to support environmental delusion.
This statement from AR5 will make them or break them.
Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.
There have already been 18 years when the IPCC proxy temperature has been unchanged despite continued increases in emissions. How much longer will it take to show that it is simply not true?.
- Gray Vincent R The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of ‘Climate Change 2001’ Multi-Science Publishers UK
- Gray Vincent Confessions of a Climate Sceptic. Blurb Lulu sceptic/ebook/product-1223035.html
- Popular Technology
- The Petition Project
- Matthews P 2015 Why Are People Skeptical about Climate Change?
- Science 201
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Collins
- Your Dictionary
- Mckay Charles 1841 Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds Coles Publishing Company Limited Canada
- IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, Summary for Policymakers page 17
Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad. This ancient saying is attributed to Euripides.
Western Nations are sinking in a sea of debt, yet they are obsessed with the belief that our civilisation is being destroyed by our own actions, and the chief culprit is our need for energy. Yet by preventing the use of fossil fuels or nuclear power we are hastening our own departure. They ate even destroying the environment they pretend to preserve as they force us to clear reserve lands to grow crops to feed us when our traditional cropland is failing is with uneconomic methods and its use for biofuel.
I have been involved with trying to understand this mad delusion for over twenty years. At first I was trapped by the authority of those publicizing the Global Warming theory. It was only by slow degrees that I became convinced that one aspect of its claims after another was without scientific foundation. I reached my current assessment that everything about it is a scam, a fraud, and a conspiracy, which violates every possible principal of physics, mathematics, elementary logic. and ordinary honesty.
I was never a professional meteorologist. I ran a weather station on the roof of my school in Hammersmith, London, between the years of 1937 and 1939...I accepted, at the time that the science of Meteorology, which represented the collected wisdom of over 200 years, was the only reliable scientific study of the climate. This scientific study has improved out of all proportion since then, and now we get the latest knowledge of the entire world climate on our weather report every day. An alternative theory based on a postulate that changes in the climate are exclusively caused by human emissions of greenhouse gaseshas penetrated the entire academic science community worldwide. Why has genuine climate science been abandoned by so many people?
Some of the supporters of this false alternative have found scientific employment from it; some have been attracted by the money, travel experiences and promotion, even a Nobel Prize. These reasons are easy to understand. What is difficult to understand is how so many can believe that their activity is beneficial to the Planet and even to human progress? It is a belief that is similar to a religion, yet many religions, at least in their early stages, play a part in improving human welfare. This antihuman belief is hastening the road to disaster.
When I first developed an opposition to this aberrant pseudo scientific religion I was almost a lone voice, both within my community and in the world outside. Now there are many groups of people who have realised the absurdity of the Global Warming theory. Indeed, since the approved technique of assessing such warming shows that it has not been happening for the past 18 years, they promote Climate Change, instead.

In 2002 I published The Greenhouse Delusion: a Critique of Climate Change 20011 a thorough analysis of the 2001 IPCC Report There have now been two more IPCC Reports, 2007 and 2013 It is now evident that the promoters of the greenhouse theory are not just deluded. In order to promote their delusion that the Planet is being destroyed by humans they have resorted to every form of deception, dishonesty, distortion and downright fraud to impose policies for which there is no scientific evidence. This book gives details on how this has been done.
My published autobiography Confessions of a Climate Sceptic2 describes of my ortigins, upbringing, education and scientific career but since I am continually subject to disbelief, insult and refusal to be taken seriously, I feel I should summarise them here. I am 93 years old and expect this book to be my final word. I have a First Class Honours degree in Physics, Chemistry , Crystallography and Mathematics and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from Cambridge University UK. I have had a long scientific research career in the UK, France, Canada, New Zealand and China with well over100 peer reviewed scientific papers on a variety of subjects which included climate, I am a Fellow of the \new Zealand Institute of Chemistry, I have been an expert reviewer on all of the Reports of the Iintergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and I am the author of 128 Greenhouse Bulletins and 340 NZClimate Truth Newsletters, most of which have appeared on the Internet.
There are now over 1350 peer reviewed scientific papers which dispute this false theory. 31,487 American scientists have signed a petition opposing it of whom 9,029 have PhDs4.
This book is a detailed scientific analysis of this widely promoted pseudoscience of the climate It shows how every part of this theory and its claims has resulted from fraudulent manipulation of science and by dishonest use of every form of propaganda.
I am a firm supporter of Climate Science as embodied in the current activities of meteorologists concerned with weather forecasting, and I accept that greenhouse gases predominantly water vapour, warm the climate.
But I am a sceptic of everything said or done by climate pseudoscience. I am a denierof their right to exercise control over my life and activities and those of all humans from their unproven conclusions.
I have never been tempted to start a website as I relish the freedom to think and publish when I wish instead of being bound with the continuous task which running a website involves. I was once invited to join the blog of one of my friends and I resisted it. I have learned a lot from other people’s websites and blogs and have frequently contributed either articles or comments.
Matthews5 has recently made a limited (154) survey of climate sceptics who support the The Air Vent website and he has shown that they tend to be highly educated and can be divided into several categories. Only very few are prepared to regard the global warming theory as a fraud or a scam.
The US Senate6 has recently voted 98 to 1 that Climate Change is real and not a hoax
The term Climate Change has now acquired a dishonest double meaning. That it is caused by human emissions. Perhaps some Senators voted only for the first obvious meaning.
The word Hoax also has double meanings. They include
a humorous or malicious deception7
a deception,esp a practical joke 86
a deception, intended to trick or mislead.9
Now, I do not think that Climate Change is humorous, and it is rather more serious than a mere practical joke. Phil Jones wrote of Hide the Decline (see Chapter 9) as a “trick, but surely the climate change scam is much more than just a trick, it is a fraud and a scam, even a superscam.
Charles Mackay in his Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds10 (1841) listed The Mississippi Scheme, The South Sea Bubble, Tulipomania, Alchemy Witch Mania. Clmate Change should join his list. Alchemy also depended on distorted science, the belief that base metals can be turned in to gold .Another delusion was spiritualism based on the belief that it is possible to contact spirits of the dead. Both of these were taken up by scientists of the day.
Many scientists still believe in an assortment of religions quite apart from those committed to, or paid, to support the environmentalist religion. Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, former, Chair of the IPCC believes in reincarnation. Our entertainment industry is riddled with irrationality and primitive fantasy. Scientists always cause disaster and provide constant scares about our health. We have zombies, aliens, vampires. Cyborgs, mutants, robots ghosts poltergeists and hobbits Instead of news We have a diet of murderers, accidents and the false conflict of organised sport.
Can science recover? Climate science prospers regardless in the weather forecasting services, although Incursions of climate change delusionists almost destroyed the UK Met Office when so many warm winters turned out so cold. The service has to cope with the influence of climate change zealots on long-range forecasting..
Large areas of science are controlled by Government bureaucrats who tequire scientific justification for almost any government policy. President Nixon believed the the problem of cancer can be solved merely by offering generous grants. It produced a great deal of pseudoscience and plagiarism but progress is happening.
Medical science proceeds regardless, as can be proved bthe increased age of most populations. Technical development of genetics has resisted attempts to kll it and the use of modern methods of producing oil, has saved the fortunes of the US when it can still claim to support environmental delusion.
This statement from AR5 will make them or break them.
Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.
There have already been 18 years when the IPCC proxy temperature has been unchanged despite continued increases in emissions. How much longer will it take to show that it is simply not true?.
1.Gray Vincent R The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of ‘Climate Change 2001’ Multi-Science Publishers UK
2. Gray Vincent Confessions of a Climate Sceptic .
Lulu sceptic/ebook/product-1223035.html
3 Popular Technology
4 The Petition Project
5 Matthews P 2015 Why Are People Skeptical about Climate Change?
6 Science 201
7 Oxford English Dictionary
8 Collins
9 Your Dictionary
10 Mckay Charles 1841 Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds Coles Publishing Company Limited Canada
11 IPCC, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, Summary for Policymakers page 17
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