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Friday, 28 October 2016

Tom Harris, the paid shill of the fossil fuel industry, is paid to publish articles and letters in the media advocating anti-science, pseudo-science, falsehoods and false arguments to support his clients in the fossil fuel industry. That is bad enough, but now we know he is also engaged in censoring comments that point out just how wrong he is in his claims. He does this by 'flagging' any 'inappropriate comments' (read: has actual science in it) and the comment gets removed. Harris has confirmed himself that he does this (note how many comments are deleted in this conversation).

When Tom Harris doesn't like what someone posts, he censors it by flagging it.
Meanwhile he says he has the right to freedom of speech.
I guess only Tom has the right to freedom of speech in Tom's world.


I flag as inappropriate comments that spread unfounded rumors against me, and I will keep doing that as it violates the posting rules of The Hill.


Then how do you explain flagging posts such as:
“Do you really want to go there Tom? Really?”
“The donation referred to is the one by the Heartland Institute Institute to the ICSC in 2007. This is verified in their Form 990…a government record that can’t be deleted. Perhaps you made donor information confidential after this embarrassing revelation?”
“You’re a mechanical engineer, not someone with a PhD, no matter how many times someone erroneously introduces you as “Dr.” and you fail to correct them. Why don’t you correct them Tom”.
Another was a list of negative reviews from Carleton students you taught. There are many other replies to your posts that were based on veritable facts yet they were flagged also.
How are these flagged posts “unfounded rumours” when they are based on facts Tom?

This comment was deleted.


comments like this just poison the debate.

Evan Jones II

Ahh, Tommie is so sensitive...LOL

 This comment was deleted.


flagged as inappropriate for the reason stated above.


Again Tom Harris is stacking the deck by censoring posts he doesn't like.

Evan Jones II
Seems that there is more truth in jest, Tommie.
Struck a nerve...patting myself on the back.
I asked a friend, "How can Tommie sleep at night doing what he does?"
"Simple"....my friend replied...."in silk sheets"
Mission accomplished...until next encounter

Kimo Krauthammer
I thought GOP politicians said you weren't even supposed to mention global warming in Florida. Just put your head in the sand, and it will go away, along with your house.

Of course, the irony is Harris is one of the deniers engaged in the "we only want a debate" claim.

Free Speech Must Apply To Climate Change Debate, by Tom Harris, March 6, 2016

If he really wants a debate, why is he censoring anyone who disagrees with him? This truly shows the lack of validity in his claims. The fact that he continues to deny his connections to the fossil fuel and tobacco industry is another one:

FYI, my organization, the International Climate Science Coalition, is not right-wing (our participants come from across the political spectrum), is not funded by "big oil," and are not lobbyists or "shills" for industry of any short. I have never worked as a PR rep for any company or sector.
Tom Harris

Executive Director, International Climate Science Coalition
Ottawa, Canada

Really? Take a look at the facts: Tom Harris - Paid Shill

Or here: Tom Harris (Canadian engineer/PR Specialist)

You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. I would say the company Harris is keeping in the picture reflects poorly, except I'm not sure it doesn't reflect poorly on them that they are keeping company with Harris.

I make the offer to anyone who gets their comments deleted by Harris. Send them to me and I will publish them in a post that Harris, or anyone else, will be unable to delete. Here are some examples of posts Harris had deleted. Click on the image to expand them:

Keep up the good work, Tom. You're making deniers everywhere look the way they truly are - bad.


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