A U.S Climate Policy has been created to help citizens of the USA understand global warming and that there are actions which can be taken in order to make a difference. This policy consists of 3 different parts:
* Slowing the growth of emissions
* Strengthening the development of science and research studies
* Enhancing international cooperation
If we can take these policies and principles and put them into action we can begin to see results. This policy is only the beginning of what the government can and should be doing but it is a great start. The politicians within our government are working hard to stick to this policy and evaluate the industrial areas of our country to make sure they meet the requirements of the U.S Climate Policy.
Since the future generations are depending on us to make the choices to rectify this devastating situation, every little effort counts. Our individual efforts are especially significant in countries like the US and Canada, where individuals release 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per person every year. The largest source of greenhouse gases is electric power generation. The average home actually contributes more to global warming than the average car. This is because much of the energy we use in our homes comes from power plants which burn fossil fuel to power our electric products.

The cost of the Kyoto Protocol is estimated to cost each of the developed countries involved billions of dollars. This is a financial responsibility each government should be willing to take in order to do what they can for the environment. Just when you go to the grocery store and find that organic foods are much more expensive than the regular foods; governments are finding that the cost to reduce greenhouse gases is far more than increasing them.
This one of the major problems our world as been having; it is far easier to create these gases than it is to reduce them and this is exactly what we have been doing for centuries. It is reassuring to see that the governments throughout the world are taking action but it is not nearly enough in order to stop the effects of global warming before they become devastating. Environmentalists and scientists are constantly working with government officials in order to come up with new, cost effective bills and legalities to reduce what they can of greenhouse gases.
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