Earth ....... You are the planet's most useful among other planet-planet First when you are still young You meet people with all the...

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
Earth ....... You are the planet's most useful among other planet-planet First when you are still young You meet people with all the...
By Napoleon Miles Global warming has an effect on tourism and the economies of many nations. Scientists are forecasting that the Caribbean ...
By Bryan Wong There are many predicted effects for the environment and for human life due to global warming. The main effect centres around ...
By Kadence Buchanan While many realize that global warming is occurring on our planet, few understand the implications that this may have o...
By Lance Winslow We sure here a lot of talk about Global Warming these days, and the amount of PR promoting Global Warming Theory as fact ...
By Christophe Catesson Global warming is something that we all have to take part in learning how to prevent, not only in the USA but through...
By Chuck R Stewart Global warming is occurring nationwide and the results are being felt by all Americans. Because the ozone layer is thinn...
By Jacek Popiel In the general public discourse the climate change debate has been, so far, confined almost entirely to the greenhouse gas i...
By Bryan Wong According to Wikipedia, global warming is "the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surfa...
By Angel Abdulnor The Arctic and the Antarctic regions play very important roles. How? First, like the human eyes, they are the mirrors to ...
By Mike Hirn An Ice Age brought on by global warming was the scenario depicted in the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW . While the science on w...
By Mike Hirn An alarm is being raised about global warming causing dramatic rises in the temperature of ocean waters. Scientists are studyin...
By Lerrina Collins No matter where you are, no matter the time of day, no matter the weather , it seems you can find someone talking about i...
By Bryan Wong The majority of the scientific community believes that global warming is a real threat to the world as we know it today. They...
By Meg Greenly Many people who consider themselves to be a responsible world citizen , who want to do what they can to help the environment ...
By Nick Tart As an inconvenient truth, global warming is affecting our world. But who can physically feel the effects of global warming on ...
By Lance Winslow During the election Global Warming was one of the most important concerns . It was always in the top one or two, but now it...
By Nathalie Fiset What do you think could come in as more important to our basic human needs such as food, shelter, medicine, education or ...
By Tal Potishman Much ado has been made about "solid fuel" heating devices . A solid fuel heating device is, simply, a fireplace o...
By Craig Hanks In the public discussion of Global Warming, much is said about disappearing continental ice sheets and mountain glaciers, as...
By Cheryl Forbes Everybody should be able to watch the movie , The Lion King. It explains very thoroughly the "circle of life" and...
By Nathalie Fiset While the drastic effects of global warming has been discussed in many scientific circles , had their run on TV and even h...