I remember the Heartland Institutes mindless hatchet man Russell Cook commenting on the atmospheric CO2 levels when it first went over 400 p...

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
I remember the Heartland Institutes mindless hatchet man Russell Cook commenting on the atmospheric CO2 levels when it first went over 400 p...
Virtually Complete Unanimity of Acceptance of Man-Made Global Warming . James Lawrence Powell recently published an article ( Bulletin o...
It is still early in the melt season, but the trend line established this year for the Arctic sea ice extent is for at least a near-record l...
I keep wondering if Sarah Palin is a mindless dimwit, or is it an act? Then she says something and I no longer wonder - it isn't an act....
Much to my disappointment, the American Geophysical Union, the main professional union for geophysics, has decided to continue its associat...
The extent of the Arctic sea ice has skyrocketed in the last few days. Take a look at these plots from the National Snow and Ice Data Center...