3/11/2016 To the Inbox of the Duluth Reader , RE: Damages done; The March 8, 2016 Superior Telegram, published an important guest editoria...

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
3/11/2016 To the Inbox of the Duluth Reader , RE: Damages done; The March 8, 2016 Superior Telegram, published an important guest editoria...
Representative Lamar Smith of Texas , in a speech in the U. S. House of Representatives, lamented the widespread press coverage of a scient...
The president of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Margaret Leinen, sent out this update concerning the drive to have AGU sever ties wit...
The public, when contemplating global warming, includes those who question whether warming underlies the occurrence of extreme weather and c...
I read an article in the Texas Climate News this week and found what they said to be encouraging. On the issue of addressing climate change...
A Fable Paris is sparing no extravagance for the centennial celebration of the 2015 climate agreement, themed “ Paris 2115”. The Eiffel...
Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned an EPA regulation on mercury emissions from coal fired plants. The basis was that the EPA had f...
The U.S. Department of Justice has sent a request to the FBI to investigate ExxonMobil on charges it violated federal law by misleading the...
More bad news for the anti-science crowd. And, for that matter, more bad news for the rest of us. Climate Deniers’ Favorite Temperature Data...