In The Road Not Taken , Robert Frost said, I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, ...

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
In The Road Not Taken , Robert Frost said, I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, ...
I see it's time for Christopher Monckton, the Great Lord Denier , to come out with another of his ridiculous claims that there has been ...
The CO2 level in the atmosphere experiences seasonal increases and decreases over the year. As plant life becomes dormant in the fall, the a...
I was wondering, if manmade climate change isn't real, why did 10 of the largest fossil fuel companies feel it was necessary to make a v...
9/28/2015 To Ben Boychuk, RE: Your recent syndicated comments in the Duluth News Tribune, With all due respect Mr. Boychuk, it concerns me ...
Nations around the world are filing notice of their proposed contributions for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the next 10-15 year...
Of course, climate change deniers are famous for making claims that defy logic. Among these are efforts to defend the coal industry. A commo...
I was reading a paper in Geophysical Research Letters on a study conducted on Australian hot records (high maximum and high minimum tempera...
A common claim by many deniers is that global warming is good for us, or at least not as expensive as doing something about it. A couple of ...