One of the issues I spend the most time on is trying to understand just why people deny the findings of science and adhere to a falsifiable ...

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
One of the issues I spend the most time on is trying to understand just why people deny the findings of science and adhere to a falsifiable ...
Global warming has been proceeding for more than a century as the result of humanity's use of fossil fuels to provide the energy that p...
One of the most common, and least credible, complaints I hear from deniers is that climate change is not real because the models all fail. T...
It has been widely reported the Arctic sea ice extent this year was not only a record low for a maximum extent , but it also came very early...
Some times I see an article that makes me go 'Whoa!' This was one of them . Beijing, the capital of China, is closing the last four ...
As you have probably heard, the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada mountains this winter is running at merely 19% of the long-term average . Not ...
I thought I would pass this on to anyone that might be interested. It's a picture of Donner Pass, taken on January 31, 2015. Donner Pas...
As we all know, California is having a epic drought while also experiencing historically high temperatures. The high temperatures are compou...
The warming trend continues. NOAA released it's State of the Climate report for February and announced February 2015 was the second war...
Florida Governor Rick Scott is such a intense science-denier that he has instructed government employees they are not permitted to use the ...
Deniers love to use that ridiculous line - I'm not a scientist..., and then they proceed to demonstrate what a jackass they are by claim...
One of the many projects I have been involved with over the last nine months is my first fiction novel. I have published two nonfiction book...
The Scripps Institute of Oceanography at UC San Diego takes daily measurements of the atmospheric CO2 levels on Maua Loa, HI. This is the ol...
A Guest submission for Dialogues on Global Warming RE: Making a scam work; Considering the clever subterfuge being employed by man-made cli...
I live in Mason County, far in the western part of the Llano Uplift of the Edwards Plateau. Austin and San Antonio are two hours away. There...
Researchers at Stanford University published a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluding warming caused by...
Quantifying underestimates of long-term upper-ocean warming , by Paul J. Durack, Peter J. Gleckler, Felix W. Landerer and Karl E. Taylor an...
Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 and there are vast amounts of methane (trillions of cubic feet of gas) locked up under...
Peter Johnson The ways that deniers exploit any minor anomaly by using cherry picked data, is truly insidious, but I think we need to also...
The organization Environmental action will be hand delivering a snowball to Senator Inhofe for every person that signs their pledge. I signe...
In both industrialized countries and developing countries there may be those who ask “ why should we care about global warming ?” After...