Sometimes I read something that is so ridiculous I just know people are going to believe it merely because they figure no one would say some...

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
Sometimes I read something that is so ridiculous I just know people are going to believe it merely because they figure no one would say some...
I don't want to sound like I'm picking on Australia, it's just that there is a lot of climate news about the nation worth menti...
" Urbanization and Air Pollution: Then and Now ," by David D. Parrish and William R. Stockwell appeared in Eos, Earth and Space Sc...
From: Burl Henry Date:01/24/2015 5:00 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Chris Keating Subject: The Role of SO2 in Climate Change Back in 1977, the Nob...
The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) released their 2014 Greenland melt season review on January 22. The first line pretty much sum...
An article by George Will was recently brought to my attention. The article, Climate change's instructive past , is a graphic demonstrat...
2014 had the highest global average temperature ever recorded . The U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Na...
Forbes magazine has become a real dreg of climate change denialism, bringing in paid shills to write up the standard nonsense put out by the...
Certainly one of the most incredibly false arguments deniers make is that global warming has stopped and there has been no warming for xxx n...
NASA and NOAA released the annual state of the climate report for 2014 this morning. They also held a live streaming video of a joint press...